14 April 2012

all seo pack untuk blogger

abis di coba tadi nampaknya berhasil seperti seperti tutorial kawan. tapi blom sepat ngeceknya. all seo pack sebenarnya plugin w*rdPr** tapi coba aja.
screen sut hasil tas tadi

 sama kan dengan tutorialnya tapi blom tau apa memang benar-benar berfungsi atao tidak.

caranya saya copikan aja ya disini :
All in one SEO Pack for Blogger / Blogspot platform

This is useless. Meta tags are deprecated. Off you go, now.

Yes, you heard it right, not for WordPress but for blogger. I’m calling it “SEO Blogger”.

This is something I’ve been working for a little while now. This is based on my previous post about conditional tags. Some of you might also remember the Meta tag generator. This is maybe the end result of all that.

It does everything automagically. Behind the scenes, it loads the XML template. Searches for previously written meta tags and puts it in the input fields. When you change it, the changes are incorporated in the template and submitted. All of this happens Client side. So, we don’t need “Blogger Team” to support it (BTW, are they sleeping?).

This works on Firefox and Google Chrome. Google Chrome has GreaseMonkey installed by default.

1) Download Greasemonkey addon (link: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/ ) if you haven’t done it on Firefox. Restart you browser.

2) Click on this installation link ( link: http://suhastech.com/misc/seoblogger.user.js ) And it will install the script. << copas aja ke browser setelah install addons greasemonkey nya..

This will basically takes care of everything. It’s almost similar to the WordPress.

Note: Your meta data will be stored in your template. When you change the template, you’ll lose the that. So, before changing the template, copy all the tags. It will be similar to:

HTML Code:


Copy all of these tags. Paste it in the new template just before tag.

Features to be implemented:

* Template upload without dealing with the copy paste crap (Yes, it’s possible)

* Meta tags for home page

coba tes juga ya.. and share ya apa sih affectnya apa benar2 meningkatkan seo hihihihi.

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